January 23, 2023

Eli's Lego City

I have to document the amazingness of Eli's Lego City creation.  It all started with Bob's and I hope that Bob's will forever remain because I will always be amazed at the detail that Eli put in to it all on his own.  If you notice, Bob's even has a Maya inside it, which is fitting, as the real Maya is in bed next to the city :) The city has grown over the last year and it's been so fun to watch.  Eli thinks of details that wouldn't cross my mind, like smooth sidewalks with people walking and air conditioners on rooftops.


Inside the creations:


 I can't wait to see how this city grows!

House Pictures, part 2

Alison's room

Pretend that Alison's bed has a tan duvet cover with her white fluffy pillows...

Eli's room:
*Pretend is bed is made all pretty and there's not dishes on the end table
 Colin's room: 


Kid's bathroom:

January 21, 2023

House pictures, part 1

Some before and afters, because they're just so satisfying.  Although, I'm confident we'll look back in many years and think "Why in the world did we do that?!?!".  But it feels updated and cozy for this era.

Living Room:

{Taken in the fall to remember what I did for decorations}

Dining Room:

Master Bedroom:

(Christmas rug not usually there)



 Alison, 10th Grade

Eli, 7th Grade

Colin, 5th Grade


"Act like you're laughing"

Love these three to pieces!