January 5, 2015

When a tornado hits a light bulb

Our kids never cease to keep us on our toes.  Take, for example, when picky eater Eli decides to put pomegranates on his pizza and ate the entire thing.  Guess I need to start thinking outside of the box when I feed my kids.

But the real reason for this post is more than pomegranate pizza.  You see, the tornado hit a light bulb this past week...a verbal light bulb.  And it's scary.  And exhausting.

I've never been one to buy into the new age child development theories.  I guess I couldn't even tell you solid truths about these theories, I just hear other mommy friends say things like "the book says that this week my child's brain is developing color recognition, and that's why they are suddenly so hungry."  But theory or no theory, we did witness a crazy thing with Colin.  He woke up one night at 1 am.  It's not typical for him to wake up, so when I heard him, I got up to check on him.  Except, he wasn't crying, he was just wide awake talking.  When I stepped in his room, he said, "I sit in rocking chair momma."  Clear as day.  He couldn't sleep and he wanted me to rock him and he has never before spoken a full sentence in that clarity before.  It was like a light bulb switched in his brain at 1am that night and it hasn't turned off since.  It was crazy!  He was up for 2 hours that night just talking and now there is a constant running commentary coming from his mouth.  You pick him up from his crib and he tells you he was sleeping and then asks what each person is currently doing (i.e. he wants to know what he missed out on). 

Now, on to too many videos.  Blogger is being a booger and won't let me put spaces in between so I'll put notes of the videos first.

 Here's a glimpse of the new Colin:

1.  Ben was home for almost 2 weeks over the holiday's and Colin LOVED him getting him up
2.  Every night, I tell the kids to set the table.  Eli sets out forks and Alison sets napkins.  But Colin can't stand being left out and will throw out random utensils.  This particular night, he marched over to the butter dish, scooped up a big glob of butter, sat down at the table and ate it.
3.  Turning on a movie and before it even started Colin was chattering.
"Oooh!  Awesome!"
"I watch Toy Story momma"
"It's coming.  The movie is coming on."
"I can't see it.  Turn it on momma."
p.s. love how he says Eli
4. I was not prepared for life with 2 boys.  They made up a game of baseball using strainers, a plastic strawberry and an oven mitt.

Every night he takes his socks off his feet and puts them on his hands and this is how we find him in the morning.

His reaction when I took away the butter.  Ben convinced me to give it back because he needs the extra calories.

Eating the butter.  Apparently it goes well with nachos.

Wearing a basket on his head while eating kielke.

The stories of Colin could go on forever.  I think you just have to be around the tornado for an hour to fully appreciate his velocity.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Oh the videos really bring his talking alive! Thank you for posting them. Also yes boys make up weird games :)