August 30, 2017


After eclipse chasing, we went out to the farm.  We started off at the pond and jumped into the fishing boat.  This is how Colin felt about being in the boat:

Ha!  He did not like being in that boat and made sure the whole farm heard about it.  Alison and Eli did great and picked up fishing like pros.

Grandpa helped Eli catch 2 fish.  Clearly we need to broaden the fish we eat in this house because the kids assumed it was salmon...made me laugh.

Once Colin stopped freaking out, he realized that fishing is fun and joined in at helping me reel in.

Alison also caught a fish and tried to convince my dad to keep it, but as a pet and not as food.  He entertained her by keeping it on a line for awhile so they could look at it and then released it before heading home.

Before leaving we picked some corn and tomatoes.

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