September 27, 2018

This and That and a whole lot of catching up

Let's see...

Alison got her 11 year shots.  It was the first time that I didn't hold her for shots and it felt weird.  She was brave as all get out and the nurse had a good laugh at me as I didn't know what to do with myself.

We met some friends for an afternoon of bowling.  The base alley is actually really nice and has yummy snacks for cheap.  We can often have the place to ourselves which is an added bonus.

Where two or more are gathered, there Maya will be.

She will not be left out of snuggles.

Eli and Colin built Ninjago world.  They wanted me to submit this picture to the Lego Magazine, but I have yet to figure out how to do that...

Alison, put on a show for us one evening...Colin and I waiting for it to start.

I often find myself holding my breath when watching her do these moves...ouch!

We all got really bad colds :(
Colds are exponentially awful when it's 110 outside and the last thing you want is soup and tea, but soup and tea would make you feel better.  We opted for lots of popsicles.
You know Eli is not feeling well when you find him like this:

We would ask him what didn't feel good and he would just point to his nose.

Some school had to rearranged with all the colds.  Colin was supposed to be learning about money, so Alison set up a store for him to shop at and put a price tag on poor Maya!  Naturally, she was the first thing he bought with all of his money.

Thankfully, I was well enough to join some ladies from church on a little getaway to San Diego.  Getaways are essential to survival of a Yuma summer. 

While I was gone, Ben made pizza and picked up a rotisserie chicken for the meat.  The kids were so excited about this chicken; it was the strangest thing.  The next day at lunch, they all asked to eat some of the chicken and then the boys started doing this:

Who know chickens could be so entertaining.  It also came with a whole slew of questions about how they kill the chicken and take the feathers off and get the blood out; basically all the things I don't want to think or talk about.

It's been a hard few weeks as it WILL NOT COOL OFF.  Last year, at this time, we were spending evenings outside and it has yet to be under 95 in the evening this year.  It can be depressing, but some people don't even think about it.  Eli chose to wear this today:

I was kind of proud of his rebellion.  There comes a point when you just have to say, "Take that Yuma! I'm wearing pants anyway!".

I realized this week how much Colin jumps around.  He is always moving!  He'll be asking me a question and jumping on one foot and waving his hands in the air.  He's a genius; if I moved around like him, I would be in killer shape!  This is a tiny glimpse just how he walks; just walking into the library, but he's adds hops and skips to his walk.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Every time I see that first photo of Alison, all I can think is wow, those lashes!