May 5, 2019

Better than Christmas

When Uncle Robin was here and saw how much the boys love Legos, he told them that he would send them all of his kids' old Legos.  Sarah confirmed at Easter that 2 big boxes were on their way.  The boys were so excited, that they literally spent hours sitting by the window waiting for them to come.  If we saw a UPS truck driving around town, they were convinced it was going to our house to drop of the packagaes.  It was probably 3 weeks of waiting and I knew the world would stop the day they actually arrived.  The long awaited day came last Saturday when we got home from basketball, the boxes were waiting for them :)

It didn't take long for all of the sets to be assembled.

We can all take Lego's off of our list to buy for these boys, as they are set for life.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

What a great treasure trove of Legos. I bet they get a lot of use in your house.