June 9, 2020

This week...it was a good one :)

Covid-19 has brought Super Mario back into our house.  We brought out all of the "old" electronics and have had fun playing old games.  Ice cream has also become a staple...
Eli is looking older by the day; eating ice cream while playing Mario:

We had a couple of "Home Ec" weeks for school (will blog about it on the other blog soon) and it was 100% all the work.  Alison made Turmeric Honey Chicken for dinner one night in the Insta Pot.

Our sourdough starter came alive this week!  I never knew bread could make me so happy.  I made our first loaf of sourdough sandwich bread and it was SO delicious, it was gone in a day.

There are moments when we realize how California is changing us.  Eli asked for help to make a snack one day...he requested avocado toast (on homemade sourdough bread) with an acai bowl.  I'm pretty sure this sums up California cuisine right here.
{He's also been reading like crazy on his kindle}

We needed a change of pace one day, so the kids and I picked up Chick-fil-A for lunch and then went to Mugu to build a sand castle while Ben got some work done.

While we were there, a sea lion was swimming up and down the beach, super close to the shore. 

Colin wanted to grow his hair out like daddy during quarantine.  He was set on not getting it cut, until daddy did (some hair salons are open now, but not the ones on base and Ben is still not required to get it cut).  I think this is the longest his hair has ever been, but he hit his max this weekend and asked for me to cut it.

His expressions in this video remind me of when he was 3.  He's always had the best expressions.

Alison has been begging to go thrift shopping in Ventura.  I held off as long as possible, because hello, Coronivirus and riots, but we finally made it.  I was shocked to see all the stores and restaurants downtown open and it was just as busy as a normal Saturday.  We even sat in traffic for awhile, which hasn't happened since early March.  We had to wear a mask to go in any store, but we still had a fabulous time.

Hey, hey!  We were even able to go out to dinner that night!  We tried a burger place close to our house.  It was okay, but not worth returning to.

We went to church on Sunday (yea!) and spent the evening on the beach with some friends.  We decided to be spontaneous and have a picnic dinner and it was the best decision ever. Okay, not a great decision was not wearing swimsuits; but to be fair, we all thought it was going to be super cold.  It was not and I should know by now, that when a kid is by the ocean, they are going to get wet, no matter what the conditions are.  Colin and Tatum worked hard to pull in this giant pile of seaweed and then had a dug of war contest with it.

This was my view:  the big girls digging a hole and the littles pulling seaweed.  Pretty great view.

I wouldn't mind in the least if Sunday dinners on the beach became a routine.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

I could watch that video of the ocean and the sea lion all day.