September 12, 2022

Ben's Promotion

It was a big day!  We've waited for a year for Ben to pin on as 0-4 and were so excited when the day finally came.  Unfortunately, there were a lot of people out of town on the day and not able to make it, but I was still overwhelmed with gratitude for those who joined us in the Tun Tavern.  Will Stevens from our new church even came and helped take some pictures.

After the ceremony, all the marines lined up to shake Ben's hand.

Then it was time to celebrate!
Congratulations to Lieutenant Commander Shear!

We picked the kids up dinner and then headed out for our own little celebration.  We ended up at The Onion Tree in downtown Sea Cliff and then stopped by the concert in the park.

When we got back, we all had some cheesecake from the French bakery.  

I could write pages on why this day was a big deal.  While most just see a change of a pin, I see so much more.  I see the years of hard work and sacrifice.  I see all the lives that Ben has impacted and some literally saved.   I know there are so many parts of Ben's job that no one will even know about, that he carries on his own.  This day was a great opportunity to celebrate my favorite person and all that he has done.

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