December 5, 2023

Christmas time

This is as much snow as we've seen and it lasted all of 10 minutes.  This is the view from the attic, sitting at the puzzle table.  Made myself a nice cozy spot for the first puzzle.

Jordan and Amanda spoiled us with 2 of these puzzles that are the most fun thing ever.  So fun that we had to finish up our school at the kitchen table so we didn't get distracted.
{I'm starting to feel like we could make an eye spy book from the blog where you have to spot Maya in every picture}

Speaking of the dining room table, this is how Colin has eaten dinner for most of his life.  We always tell him to sit down and then he just naturally pops back up.  

Alison's went "caroling" with her fellow piano students.  They were supposed to be along the 'Wassail Crawl' route that the city of Sea Cliff hosted, but it was raining so they moved it inside the library, which is really an old church.  It was slightly comical seeing so many people crammed inside for caroling, but also fun to see the town come together.

The one activity Colin requested over Christmas break was to build gingerbread houses.  I ordered the kit weeks ago and we finally busted it out...and I immediately wondered why building gingerbread houses is supposed to be fun.  These things are SO frustrating!!!  Naturally, Eli walked over, easily constructed his in 2 minutes, decorated it, ate a piece of candy and was done.

The rest of us toiled for way too long and eventually gave up.

I have officially decided that we will just be decorating flat cookies from now on.

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