February 9, 2024



School days

I still get up at 6am, but it's no longer because little boys are up at 6:30.  The days of early morning snuggling are gone, which will forever make me sad, but it's still so good for me to keep this routine.  The Bible and coffee are the best way to start the day.  My spot doesn't have a light, so during the winter, I've resorted to turning on twinkle lights. 

Times have changed so much, that I can have my quiet time, breakfast and workout all before any kids are awake.  Colin will occasionally come out to the garage to say good morning, but most of the time they wait until I've showered ;)  I start in the garage, with some weights and then go for a run around our cute little village.  I never get tired of looking at the historic homes.

The boys unload the dishwasher and get breakfast.  Alison is almost always still sleeping, although she has several alarms set.  I take Maya to jump on her most mornings and that gets her up.  It's about this time that I mix up sourdough.

Our house has been too cold (drafty windows in an old house), so we've put a little heater in our closet and that has become my bread proofing room.

Colin usually starts math at the kitchen table while he eats breakfast and will head up to the attic after he's done eating.  His math is on the computer this year and we are loving the program!

Then we all meet at the table for Literature (Language Arts/English) and then it's already time for lunch.

I've been making sourdough buns that Colin and I have been loving for sandwiches.

This Monday we listened to a podcast on growth mindset while eating. 

Then we headed to the library to work on History and Science.  Alison doesn't work Monday's, so it's the perfect time to get to the library.   Alison finds a quiet corner to work and the boys and I camp out in the kids/teen section.  

When school is done, we take Maya for a walk.

In the evening, Colin has guitar lessons with Mr. Frank.  The best part is, he comes to our house!  
I love how he does lessons; they start with "jamming" together, work on a song Colin picks to learn and then work on music theory.  Colin is doing an amazing job!

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