May 20, 2024

My birthday/Prom/Porch Fest

Happy 42 to me!  The day was FULL of fun things.

First, Ben took the boys to basketball while I helped Alison get ready for prom.  She met Nico at Starbucks and he invited her to the North Shore Jr. prom...which was at noon.

I heard they had a really fun time and she even knew several other kids there.  Afterwards, she went with another friend to the fair.

While Alison was partying, porch fest was going on in Sea Cliff.  I went for a run and it was so fun hearing all the bands play and seeing everyone out walking around.

Colin and I biked to get some our favorite cookies and then we went to watch his guitar teacher play in one of his bands.

It was raining some.  Did you know that it always rains on my birthday?
And this was the only picture he would let me take.

Oh, I forgot Eli was at Damian's during all this.  
The rain was torturing Colin, so he went home and I went to hear the Porch Pickers.

Ben smoked some pork during all this and we had a great bbq dinner when we got home. 


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