November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Well, yet again our day didn't go as planned, but we still had a great time. We planned on heading back to the pumpkin patch to finally get our pumpkin to carve and roast the seeds. They were only open during Alison's nap time, so when it looked like rain as we were walking out the door we decided to forgo the patch.
We rested up and then headed out to do some trick-or-treating. Our sweet neighbor asked us to come by so she could see Alison and then we headed downtown. All of the stores set up stands and passed out candy. We were shocked how many people were there. It was a dreary, but hot (in the 80's) day and Ben had read that a lot of parents were panicked about flu spreading through the candy. We need to learn that people in this town really participate in things going on. We made one last stop on the way home to our friends the Mitzel's house.
The night didn't end as planned either. Ben said he felt like Alison was warm, but I kept brushing it off. She's cutting her 2 year molars and for goodness sakes, she was wearing an Elmo costume all evening in 80 degree weather. It ended up that she did have a fever and it kept going up even after medicine. She slept great and acted fine, but I was up all night checking on her and giving her more medicine. Apparently we needed to be one of those freaked out parents. She woke up this morning, still with a fever, but asking for candy out of her Elmo basket.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

She's definitely the cutest Elmo ever.