April 23, 2011

Colored Eggs

This was the first year I've attempted dying eggs with Alison and I was surprised how well she did. Last year I was too hugely pregnant to even think about projects like this, but yesterday made me realize how fun of a tradition this is.

Of course our dying kit was princess themed, but the stickers wouldn't stick to the eggs. Thankfully Alison was happy enough just putting the stickers on a piece of construction paper. We went through a lot of construction paper yesterday and I kept thinking that I really need to find a book of all pink construction paper.
We had a great time decorating, but when we were finished I wasn't sure what to do with our eggs. What are you supposed to do with dyed eggs? Using them for decoration or hunts seemed unsafe to me. I ended up just putting them back in the refrigerator and we've munched on them since then, but I still wonder: what do people do with their dyed eggs?


Kent J said...

I loved dying eggs when I was a kid. In fact to this day when I smell vinegar my first thought is Easter Eggs.

Vanessa said...

I vote for eating them. Finn loves hard-boiled eggs, so I don't think we do anything else with them :)

edj3 said...

Egg salad sandwiches :-)