February 4, 2012

20 Weeks

I'm exhausted and starving all. the. time.
So much so that I'm often irrational when it comes to food. I almost left church on Sunday because I was THAT hungry. Ben has cooked from scratch, every single one of my cravings. One night he made white chocolate/peanut butter granola bars...I almost had a tantrum when he said I had to wait 2 hours to let them set. I would say it's safe to say that I'm in the "I'm hungry and I need it NOW!" stage of pregnancy.
Some nights I've fallen asleep before Alison...and she goes to bed at 7:30. I keep wondering how this exhaustion is different than sleep deprivation. It doesn't really seem fair that women have to be tired for so many years of their life.

The baby is moving a lot and Ben felt his first kick a few nights ago.

I'm carrying very low, just like I have with my other 2 pregnancies.

I've heard about a million times this week, "You barely look pregnant!". I assured them all to just wait a couple of weeks and they'll be saying, "Wow! You're huge!".

Alison asks every day when the baby is coming and she's very excited about finding out whether it's a brother or sister. Ben has settled with her that if she doesn't get a real baby sister, that she can have an American Girl sister. She seems to be satisfied with that compromise.

Alison thought she needed a belly picture too.


Kyle & Lydia said...

Good idea on the American Girl doll! I love that she wanted a belly picture too :)

Diana said...

In the long run, the American Girl doll will end up being cheaper than having another girl, so that might work out well. :)

Jen Shear said...

Yes, especially since we'll be purchasing a knock off one from Target (for only $25, instead of $120). A doll sister will be much harder to fight over clothes with too.

edj3 said...

I sort of hope it's a boy too because then I can make Alison some doll clothes :-)