March 28, 2016


New house=new places to hide baskets!

It took the kids way longer to find baskets this year.  I love how you can see Eli looking under the couch...I also love his low expectations for a basket (i.e. one that is small enough to fit under a couch). 

Baskets this year no longer contained bubbles and chalk and instead, had waterbottles that also spray mist and a new t-shirt.  They also got a Reeses egg, a Snickers egg and a Cadburry egg. 

Colin also got goggles...I finally found some small enough for his noggin!

Eli got Dispicable Me 2
 You may also be thinking, "Geez Jen.  Didn't you notice how small Eli's pj's are?!"
Down side to the boys sharing a room and closet space=they are constantly putting on the eachothers clothes!  Funny part is, they are perfectly happy in clothes that don't fit at all.  Perhaps it just gives them another reason to get naked.

It took Alison the longest to find her basket.  Ben hid it in the school room, which is currently the most unorganized room of the house.  He finally went in there and played "hot and cold" with her.

Attempts to take a picture before church:

Such a bummer.  Eli was actually the one who was smiling the best and somehow I missed every single shot. 

After church, everyone went to the White's for lunch.  Alison has clicked with the girls already and it's just a blessing to see her make friends so quickly.
 (Aline looks way bigger than the other girls, but it's just how the swing is)

Maddie, Alison, Aline
 The boys had fun too, especially because they allow nerf guns to be shot at this house and there were lots of other little boys to play with.

We were there most of the day and had our own egg hunt when we got home.  They had to find the eggs quick because I put chocolate in them and they were melting fast.

Here's the egg hunt and a glimpse of our awesome backyard.

And my favorite picture of the day; the kids spraying eachother with their new waterbottles.


Jamie said...

That is a great picture of them in the backyard! Glad you guys had a great Easter!

edj3 said...

Love seeing you all in the house and doing things--gives me a real sense of your new home.