March 7, 2016

Kansas, part 2

Friday, the boys and I went to Lydia's house to meet Caleb.  The boys could not figure out why I was so excited to see a baby, but they had fun playing with Courtney.  I could have stayed all day...

Saturday morning, Ben and I ran the Shamrock Shuffle.  It was the perfect morning for a race and it meant a lot to us to have family there, waiting for us at the finish line.  Ben and I both got PR's!



After the race (and waiting a million years for the awards) we went to Papa Keno's for lunch with Elizabeth and Kent.  Kent and Ben went to a KU game that afternoon and Elizabeth and I did a little shopping downtown.  I think they like their Nana:

There's never a dull moment with Grandpa.  Shortly after we got home, he had the kids in the backyard with a bb gun, shooting water balloons.


We also met up with Cara for a little playdate/shopping.

Sunday, we had a mini-reunion with friends at Lydia's house.  We got together last year and our crew just keeps growing and growing, which is really fun to see.

Today, my dad took the kids for the whole day and Ben and I got to run, do errands and pack up.  This break has been so refreshing and I am not really looking forward to getting back in the car tomorrow, but hopefully the next leg of the trip will be a little more organized.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Your dad cracks me up, he's got so much energy to play with the kiddos!