July 2, 2016

A fun week

Ben took Monday off and we took the kids to 'Finding Dory'.

I missed the nice reclining chairs that the theater in Virginia had, but we still had a great time.

Tuesday, Ben headed to Canada to go fishing with my dad.

Wednesday, the kids and I pretty much spent the day on base.  We went to the library for their summer reading program, then to a free movie of 'The Incredibles' (and snuck in lunchables) and then to basketball practice.  The kids said they had almost as much fun as Christmas that day.  I love that they are so easy to please.

Thursday, we met some friends from church at the "Children's Museum".  I put it in quotations because that's what they're calling it, but I would call it more a children's exhibit.  They have set up some activities for kids in the art center for a couple of weeks and opened it up free to the public.  

Alison spent the whole time making up plays and dressing up.

It was nice to have a cool place for the kids to play and use their imaginations and the moms got to sit and talk.  Win, win.

The only bummer of the week came on Friday.  The kids had been working hard to earn an extra fun outing on Friday.  They talked all week about going to gymnastics...a website I've been following for Yuma information said there's a gym that has open gym time that you can play on the gymnastics equipment without signing up for a class.  They were beyond excited about going and Alison even had a list of everything she was going to do there.  We pulled up to the building and they were literally packing up the place and there was a big 'Sold' sign on the door.  There were some tears and we sat for awhile trying to come up with a plan B.  I came up with nothing.  

We ended up just going home and read a bunch of books.  Maya could not handle that we were all snuggled up together and she wasn't part of it.  She kept jumping on the red chair, trying to get in our laps.

Ben comes home today and Nana and Granddaddy come tomorrow, so I have a feeling the fun is just going to keep on rollin'!

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