August 22, 2016

Going stir crazy

This week's theme was 'Stir Crazy'.

We met some friends at the bowling alley on Monday.  The base has a pretty neat little place to bowl.  It was perfect for our group of kids.

One morning, our air conditioner was going crazy and wouldn't turn off!  We were sitting at breakfast, all freezing and the kids could hardly stand it and ran outside.  Somehow the warming up turned into a "let's fill every jar in the house full of rocks and flowers" project.  You know it's been a long time since you've played outside when collecting gravel sounds fun.

This week has been the first time, in what feels like forever, that temps have been under 110°.  It feels better, but it's still too hot to play outside.  You gotta do what you gotta do in a desert summer and this week roller skates and bikes and tents came into our house and there were couch cushions everywhere.

 I love seeing the boys imagination and one day they built a pool with couch cushions are were having a pool party.  Colin kept saying, "This is EPIC!"....I think it was confirmed then that we're going crazy.


Friday, Colin had his first story time and the rest of us surprised daddy at his office.  While dropping Colin off, I realized how good this time is for him.  He is so used to following Eli and Alison and trailing along to their activities, it was fun to see him participate in something that was just for him.  Plus, he loves doing hand motions and singing songs .

Saturday, the kids had an end of basketball season pool party.  Going swimming sounds like it would be really refreshing, but I've found this summer that's it's like taking a bath and doesn't cool you off all that much.

After the party, we dropped the kids off at the Y for Parent's Night Out.  This program at the Y has been a huge blessing to us.  We get a date and the kids have a fun night.  I love that it gives them an opportunity to play with other kids, instead of paying someone to just come hangout at our house.  This month's theme was circus and when we picked them up, Eli looked like this:

I was SO surprised because previous face painting opportunities have resulted in him disgusted at the very idea.  But this time he didn't want to take it off and didn't want to shower or  go to church (because he knew that meant he had to take it off).  Alison learned that lesson and requested hers on her arm.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

I love that expression on Eli's face.