December 2, 2017

Happy Birthday Maya!

The kids were super excited to celebrate Maya's second birthday.  There can be no dispute that this family loves this dog to pieces.

Alison set up a little party for her and they all worked together to write cards and wrap her presents: dog treats, a special wet food dinner and a new toy.

They had fruit snacks for their part of the party.

It's been quite the adventure getting to know Maya over the last 2 years, as we've tried to figure out what kind of dog she is and how to work with her "quirks".  Ben just did some more research last week and found this video that describes her almost to a T. 

She clearly has become loyal to our family and it cracks me up how she has molded into our family routine.  Point in case:
Usually, Ben lets her out of her crate in the morning and she runs straight downstairs to me to be petted.  She will then only go outside to go potty if Ben or I go with her #spoiled.  She chews on a bone while we drink coffee and waits for the boys to get up.  I always know when they are headed downstairs because her tail begins to thump the floor.  She has to lick Colin's mouth upon seeing him first thing in the morning.  It's almost like she's saying, "Son, let me clean you up for the day!"  After Ben leaves for work, she sits on the couch and looks out the window, watching him drive away and then keeping an eye out for any mail men or the neighbors dog.  If Alison is not awake by then, she will do anything in her power to get in her room and jump on her bed and lick her face-she cannot stand Alison sleeping in.  She spends the rest of the day, following us around, taking naps in the schoolroom while we work or guarding the door if we check the mail or run an errand.  At dinner, she sits by Colin and cleans up his lap for him and when the kids go up to bed, she collapses in her bed in the living room.  She'll sleep there until Ben comes to bed and then follows him upstairs to her crate.  Ben is convinced that he is her human, but I would disagree...she lets the kids smother her and if someone even thinks about messing with them, she will let you know you better back off.  She follows me around constantly and will bark at a new person until I tell her they are a friend.  Ben...well, Ben sings her the most songs and throws the ball for her and gives her baths and takes her for runs and buys her treats...but I say he's just making up for the 6 months he lost with her.

All that to say, I'm so thankful that we were patient with this super scared, very picky, hard to potty train, puppy.  She has brought all of us a lot of joy.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Oh wow, look how big she's gotten! I mean, I met her pretty early on and I sort of knew she grew but wow!