November 30, 2017

Decorating for Christmas

This year was a night and day difference when it came to decorating.  First of all, I had Ben here to help and second, I learned a few lessons last year and was able to fix some glitches.  I organized our ornaments so that I could just hand each kid their own box, instead of me trying to frantically dish out ornaments.

We also only put out about half our ornaments instead of worrying about getting them all on there.  The tradition continues that Alison puts the angel on top...this might be the last year Ben can lift her up.

Our kids LOVE decorating, so this year I gave them their own space and box to decorate however their little hearts desired.  Ben caught onto my trick pretty quickly (i.e. keep them occupied so I can decorate the rest of the house however MY heart desires) but fears I may have created a monster; the rest of their life their going to be expecting their own box of house decorations.  Oh well, it worked like a charm and they had a blast.

They love decorating so much that they asked if they could decorate their rooms too.  So the next day we took a little family date so they could pick out some of their own decorations.

No date is complete without a snack as Chili Peppers.

I think I used the word "decorations" a thousand times this post, but we are all set to enjoy this Christmas season!

P.S. It was 91° that get pretty good a pretending when you live in the desert.

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