July 22, 2018

Last day of school!

We finished up the school year for Kindergarten, 2nd and 5th grade!
The kids have worked hard and finished strong even with colds.

Big water? check.
Cold medicine? check.
Crackers? check.
Reading lesson? check!

Teaching Colin to read with forever stay on my resume.  I am so proud of US...I may have had to bribe him, but here's a clip of him reading.

For the last day, I wrote up a list for each one of them on the white board, that they had to complete before they could "graduate" (kind of like final exams) and then they could erase each one as they completed it.  They all left the math test for the end:

When everyone's list was erased we partied!  
They requested Del Taco for lunch and this is how Eli feels about having a cold:

He is the epitome of "man cold".

We went to a friend's house for the afternoon to swim and play and then came home for our family party.  Ben made certificates for each of the kids.

And these pictures show the epitome of teaching a tween.
I can promise you that she was happy, but sure didn't want to show it.

Alison was celebrating the end of elementary school and convinced she is now in middle school, although we don't really know where we stand on that.  When Ben and I went to school, you were in elementary until 7th grade, but each state we've lived in has done school differently and I cannot keep track of how "regular" school does grades anymore. 

We ate pizza and watched The Greatest Showman.

Alison made a cake for dessert.  Perhaps the best thing about year round homeschooling is getting what you need for dirt cheap because you're on a different cycle than the rest of the school world.  I got our party decorations for $1!

We're taking a few weeks off with a few trips and then we're jumping back into school for a new year, with hopes of getting some good ground covered before we move.

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