July 22, 2018

This and That

Lego creations are abounding.

Eli continues to be able to build the most intricate creations that always amaze me.  The boys of the house have been spending the evenings working on creating a Lego city.  The big grey board is actually a subway system Eli built...I may have to take some close ups of the buildings because they are just so cool.

 Colin prefers to play with the creations over creating them, but he's happy to participate in whatever is going on that evening.  He took this video and it always makes me smile; he's trying to shine a light on Ben but I love seeing Ben immerse himself in the mess and join the fun.

This not-so-little-anymore girl is turning 11 next week!  EEK! 

She wouldn't let me take a single picture, but Alison spent the last 2 weeks at volleyball camp and ended up loving the game.  We're looking forward to some beach volleyball in our near future :)

On top of camp, we finished up our school year! You can see our celebration pictures here.
I may have a teachers chair, but that doesn't stop everyone from climbing in my lap throughout our school day.  I was trying to give Alison a spelling test and Colin would not leave my lap and where two or more are gathered, there Maya will be.

Speaking of that chair, I was sitting in it one day when I heard the piano start playing.  I literally froze, trying to figure out who could be playing.  Ben was at work so I began to wonder if one of the kids turned on Pandora.  Nope.  I walked out to find Colin making up his own song that sounded so legit it blew my mind.  I tried to get a recording but once he knew I was listening, he wouldn't do it the same.

You know it's a Yuma summer when these shenanigans are happening:

We are partially moving ourselves in a few months and with our new camping adventures, it was time to get a trailer.  Ben got a steal of a deal off craiglist and is working (in the HEAT) to fix it up just a little.  Just had to document the craziness.  Actually, the funniest part of the day was when the neighbor came over and asked Ben wanted his old workbench...thought it might work better than the princess table that is currently being used.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Princess table made me laugh out loud!