October 8, 2018

So thankful it's October!!!

We made it!  We officially survived another Yuma summer.
A "hurricane" hit October 1st and brought in crazy humidity but dropped the temperatures by 10 degrees :). Yuma had some pretty major flooding but our side of town seems to fair better in these situations and we didn't see any damage.  Ben got sent home from work early and we spent the afternoon enjoying some rain and then playing outside.  Hurricane, shmericane...we broke out the grill!

Can you see the boys by the tree?  They were finding rolly Pollys and having a blast.

Then they built the rolly polly's a village...apparently it was also for sale.

It has just felt amazing to FINALLY be able to open the blinds and go outside.  

October also brought a group of deployed Marines home.  Elizabeth's birthday was a week before Shane came home and she let us throw her a little party.  She is a very private person, so we have been honored that she has let our family into her bubble.  As much as I hate that Alison understands not having a loved one at home for a birthday, I can see how much character these trials have produced in her.  Alison put a lot of work into getting decorations, setting up the party, making cards, wrapping a present and planning the food.  I was really proud of her and I know it made Elizabeth feel very loved.

Colin's front tooth was hanging on by a thread for eternity, or so it felt like.  We tried everything to get this sucker out!  

Sugar snap peas did the trick.  When he took a bite, his tooth fell onto his arm and he was so startled. Once he saw that there was no blood (that's how ready this thing was to come out) he was fine.

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