January 20, 2019

2nd grade catch up

I feel like there is a big jump from 1st to 2nd grade.  Expectations and work are raised; lessons go from letter sounds to writing sentences and spelling tests.  Perhaps the hardest lesson is realizing that days aren't just coloring anymore.  Eli has handled it like a champ, although he happily joins Colin on some of his coloring some times.

For second grade, Eli is doing Saxon Math 3 (and completely rocking it), First Language Lessons, Spelling, Printing Power (handwriting without tears), History (Story of the World, Early Modern Times) and Science (Sonlight, Biology).

Taking art outside, to draw the sky.

His reading has taking off this year and he's even been helping Colin work on his reading lessons.

Other highlights of Second grade so far;
He played basketball on base.

and Upwards soccer with bff Jon

We took a trip to the beach.

His favorite past time is building legos (sorry for the sideways picture...I'm trying to fix it)

He has amazing building skills and is equally as good at puzzles.

Daddy has persuaded him to love Chili Peppers and not a week goes by that they don't get a little treat from there.

We went to Lego Land!

And Sea World.  Eli rode his first roller coaster and loved it!

He sewed himself two decoration pillows for his bed (also worth noting that he still LOVES pj's and stuffed animals).

Pj's and Legos might be the theme of Eli's life right now...

He's also taking piano lessons and learning to type.  He typed this himself:

my favorite thing about school is coloring. 

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