June 16, 2019

Happy Birthday Colin!

Colin is 7!

He requested we open presents before daddy had to go to work...so a bright and early Star Wars party it was!

Naturally, there had to be some Legos built before daddy could leave.

The best thing about opening presents in the morning is that they can play with them all day long.  After the Lego sets were built, they made race cars and then played golf.

 We went to In N Out for lunch

 And then when daddy got home from work, we went to the Secret Life of Pets 2 movie.
{Colin has not been a fan of getting his picture taken}

 He had Papa John's for dinner...seems like it's been years since we've had Papa Johns.

And our new friends, the Leite's, came over for ice cream cake. 


Having an intense conversation with Luke about Star Wars:

They stayed to play for awhile.  Seeing this room full of boys building Legos just makes me smile.

Then they all played golf

I'm not ready for Colin to be 7, but we had a great day celebrating him.  He is still sweet and hilarious and gets HANGRY fast, but when you ask him what he wants to eat, he'll request raw veggies.  Yesterday, he was out with Ben and Ben scooped him up and was singing him a silly song.  Colin whispered to him, "Daddy, do you see any other daddy's singing silly songs right now?" HA!  That's what I say to him when he's misbehaving in a store and it's little moments like that that keeps us smiling and laughing all the time.
We love you Colin!

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