July 14, 2019

Catching up

Poppy came to visit!
The boys all went to pick berries and then we had them over ice cream for dessert.  Fresh berries and cream is always a good decision.

 I'm laughing now, as I notice all the swords in these pictures. Real life right here.
If you ever need a good laugh, just play Twister with Colin.

Rick wanted to go to the beach one afternoon.  This was about the time I said to Ben, "Man, I brought a change of clothes for everyone...except for Poppy."

I definitely did not expect him to get in the water!  But this is pretty true to what Rick does; he just jumps into the kids world.

Once everyone was somewhat dry, we went to Mr. Softee's for ice cream.

 It was a great visit and I am REALLY hoping that some day I start getting good pictures of my Eli.

 Eli continues to be a lego master.  The floor of their room is now covered with all the "destroyers" he's built.

I'm missing some clips, but I thought this was so cool.  Ben set up his phone to capture the process Eli goes through to build.  First he sorts out the pieces he's going to need and then sets to work...he has a vision in his head and it's so cool to see him make it come to life.

Another vision Eli had, was for this video:

The boys took swim lessons and Eli jumped off the diving board for the first time!

We went swimming with some friends at the non-base military housing.  About once a week it hits me that we get to live in California and this day was one of them.  It was beautiful day and we got to spend it at the pool, under palm trees and the smell of ocean air.  I dreamed of days outside like this and now we get to live it.

"New Laurel" has a new photography business and asked if Ben and I would help her with engagement pictures for her portfolio. She had everything set, down to the outfits, so it was an easy yes for us.  It was so fun to get dressed up and pretend to be newly engaged...16 years later.

We met some friends at the park one day and Tristen taught Colin how to hit a baseball.  He was so impressed that Colin was able to hit it so quickly.  He said he was a pro and Colin took that very seriously. 

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Oh my gosh, I see modeling in your future!