July 12, 2019

Stanley part 2

Wednesday, the kids stayed with Nonny and Papa and we hiked Sawtooth Lake Trail.

I think this is my favorite picture: Elizabeth finished radiation treatment just DAYS before this trip and here she is, hiking up a mountain.  Plus I love the smile on Ben's face.  He had looked forward to this particular hike for weeks.

I think the theme of the trip was "Could sit in this place all day and soak up the beauty".  Every where we went was just breathtaking.

Had to document being in snow!

When we got back from the hike, we found that Nonny and Papa had taken the kids out for a hike as well!  I loved how they made them get outside too.  Then we all went to get some ice cream and walk around the little town.

When Ben was a kid, Nonny and Papa took him to several hot springs.  We couldn't get to the exact ones they went to, but found there was one just a short walk from our cabin.

Hot springs and sun burned shins do not go together, but it was basically a pool for Colin.

Thursday, we went to Custer, an old mining town.  The kids enjoyed this WAY more than we anticipated and still talk about some of the things they read while there.

Colin wanted to recreate the photo on the sign in front of the house.

We let the kids pick out some rocks and tried huckleberry soda at the little gift shop.

We had a big barbecue for the 4th of July that evening and celebrated Amy's 50th birthday and Elizabeth's completion of radiation.

Eli is a man set in his ways and put himself to bed at 8:30, but the rest of us stayed up late for the firework show.  I think we had the best seats in town...we just sat on our porch, under the heat lamps and had the best views.

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