November 2, 2019

Trip to Yuma

Ben was asked to preach at Yuma OPC, so we made a weekend trip of it.  Getting there on a Friday was a little nuts and being back was a little weird, but it was good to see friends!

Ben and I went to get a late night taco...because that's what you do when you're in Yuma.  We never went out this late when we lived there, but apparently that's the time to go.  This taco stand was busy!

Surprise, surprise.  Saturday we went to Chili Peppers!

 We also stocked up a freezer bag to bring some home.  They just don't make burritos like they do in Yuma.

The girls also did a little shopping that day.  Bath and Body works is all the rage now.  And very, very soon, I will be the short one of this crew.

 Sunday, we went to church and it was amazing to see how the church has grown in the last year.

My favorite view ever:


The church had a fellowship meal at Castle park after church.  It was a perfect time to catch up with many friends.


I love how much these boys love each other.

I was surprised how much I forgot about Yuma.  My brain hurt trying to remember how to get places, and Yuma is not a hard place to navigate.  This last move has made me think a lot, "We've moved too much."  There are now too many states and running through my head when I try to think where something is.  This trip also made me think a lot, "I can't believe I lived this."  It made me really proud of us, as it's not an easy place.  But we not only survived, I think these pictures are proof that we thrived.

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