December 13, 2019


Each of the kids helped me make a dish for Thanksgiving.

I think the boys liked making the peppermint pie the best because it meant they could lick the whip cream tub.

Thanksgiving morning, we all ran in a Turkey Trot.  It was cold and raining and we decided we wouldn't make the kids participate, but they all did without complaining a bit.  They also joined the costume contest and won!  Alison spent hours and hours making a leaf t-shirt.

The kids run:


Eli ran so hard that he thought he was going to throw up at the end :)  I was so proud of all of them.  After the adults ran and we were all completely soaked and chilled to the bone, we headed home.

After warm showers and hot coffee:

Sarah came over for the afternoon and we had a huge charcuterie to munch on.


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