January 12, 2020

The Joys of 2nd grade

div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"> Sometimes I have to remind myself that Colin is only 7.  It's weird how you have to be diligent about still doing young things for the youngest kid in the family.  Especially for Colin, who is happy as a clam to go along with whatever we're doing for Alison or Eli.  He is also the least demanding of the 3 and the first to be playing happily outside by himself.

So I try to soak up these moments, when I'm reminded the joys of being in 2nd grade.
He's working on math, with his buddy Lionel doing his own stuffed lion work.  Also note the play frying pan, Roblox man and winter mitten on his desk...because you never know when you might need those.

Colin has been asking to do crafts more and this again is an area that often gets neglected.  Alison is old enough to create her own things and she has been given some space in the garage to do so.  The great thing about second graders is that they are thrilled to pieces to do any project.  It was "chilly" this week, so we set up Colin his own craft table in the school room.  It's California, so let's be real, it really wasn't too cold to be in the garage, but we're spoiled rotten around here.  This set up was perfect and he has been a crafting machine :)  It's also a great tool for when he has to wait for his lesson or when he's done working before everyone else.

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