August 22, 2020
First broken bone
First Day of School
August 14, 2020
You can do hard things
August 8, 2020
Swim, Piano, TV
Okay, I just have to take a moment and vent some frustration...BLOGGER! You may not update and not tell people how to use you!!! Making this post is taking me a century! My kids will be grown by the time I finish it.
We finally got to go back to piano lessons this week! Ms. Erin wore a mask during lessons, but she let us watch the kids! This picture is actually a HUGE honor because she hasn't let anyone hold not even family and I've held her 3 times now. Wouldn't it be great if I could move pictures or type in between them? Nope. So you get one long paragraph and then you can look at pictures stuck on the side of the page. Because Kailey hasn't left her mom at any moment of her 6 months of life, she was a little unsure about what was happening. Alison had the magic touch with her and Colin loved pushing her around the yard. He said, "This is the first time I've pushed a stroller! You've never trusted me before." That's true. I felt like rolling through the grass was pretty safe.
Eli's inventions continue and this week he decided he needed a TV in his room. This is how I found him yesterday and I felt like I was looking into his teenage years.
August 4, 2020
Happy 13th to Alison!
August 1, 2020
A box can be many things
We have had a book for years, called 'A Box Can be Many Things'. Eli must have reread it recently because he has taken it quite to heart. It all began with an amazing skittles vending machine, followed by a snickers machine.
Then he made a "Nintendo Switch". His creativity was abounding, right along with the explosion of cardboard in the garage.
This is evidence why breaks from school and some boredom is GREAT for kids. Within a few days, he had built 4 games and set up his room as an arcade.
His grand finale of the arcade was a car game!
Boxes can also be walls and signs and soon the arcade turned into a "plaza" with a restaurant and
more prizes.
When the boys weren't in the arcade, they were building a car and pushing each other down the road.
Yes, that is a box on 2 skate boards...and I did make them put helmets on.
Said car eventually became a bed and then another wall.