August 8, 2020

Swim, Piano, TV

A family from church asked if we were interested in swim, YES!  Somehow she scored private lessons with the Lynn.  I had heard rumors of this famous swim instructor on the Camarillo Facebook page and I have no idea how Bonnie was able to even get on her calendar, but she did and she had room for more students.  This lady has been teaching swim lessons for 40 years and comes to Camarillo every summer just to teach.  She lives in Washington and has homeschooled her 4 kids all the way through and even lived on a boat for a season of life...she was a very interesting person to get to know!  Colin went for a week by himself, then all 3 kids went for a week.  It was well worth it.  Being by the ocean, it's really important that all the kids are strong swimmers.

Okay, I just have to take a moment and vent some frustration...BLOGGER!  You may not update and not tell people how to use you!!!  Making this post is taking me a century!  My kids will be grown by the time I finish it.

We finally got to go back to piano lessons this week!  Ms. Erin wore a mask during lessons, but she let us watch the kids!  This picture is actually a HUGE honor because she hasn't let anyone hold not even family and I've held her 3 times now.  Wouldn't it be great if I could move pictures or type in between them?  Nope.  So you get one long paragraph and then you can look at pictures stuck on the side of the page.  Because Kailey hasn't left her mom at any moment of her 6 months of life, she was a little unsure about what was happening.  Alison had the magic touch with her and Colin loved pushing her around the yard.  He said, "This is the first time I've pushed a stroller!  You've never trusted me before."  That's true.  I felt like rolling through the grass was pretty safe.

Eli's inventions continue and this week he decided he needed a TV in his room.  This is how I found him yesterday and I felt like I was looking into his teenage years.

 This morning he added to it and I just had to snap a picture of him...doesn't he suddenly look older?!?!

1 comment:

edj3 said...

First, yes he looks a LOT older!

And second, I too hate the new blogger interface. I'll figure it out, I'm sure but it's really annoying.