December 30, 2020

Christmas time

We kicked off the Christmas season with Elf and popcorn.  Thank you Aunt Amanda for sending this popcorn tub!  It made a really fun treat for the kids!

I'm pretty sure Colin has had these pajamas for 3 years now.  They were snug, but he was still so cute in them.

We continued our Advent tradition and Alison legit fell asleep with Maya by the Christmas tree one evening after our reading.  Maya's legs are completely hanging off the couch, but she doesn't even care because she's got her Alison.

I asked the kids what holiday baking they wanted to do and they said gingerbread men and sugar cookies.  A perk of Ben working from home is that he gets to jump in on some of these fun things we do :). I love it and I'm not sure we're ever going to let him go back to the office.

Just a few days before Christmas, the boys kept asking me why we hadn't made gingerbread houses.  I still had plenty of decorations, so I just picked up some graham crackers and we attempted some houses that way.  And there is a reason that the kits are so fabulous...graham cracker houses are frustrating!


Colin asked why I bought gumdrops and I told him that every gingerbread house needs gumdrops and this was his reaction:


They boys basically just ate theirs.  This was Alison's finished product...we couldn't get a roof to stay on.

 My favorite thing that happened this Christmas season was a nightly walk with Colin.  He asked one night if we could go look at lights, so we went on a little walk around the neighborhood.  This continued every night and we'd walk to another part of the neighborhood.  One night he wanted to skip around the block, so we did.  One night, he taught me a Fortnite dance while we walked.  Most nights, we would sing at least one Christmas song while we walked.  If he saw a really good house, he would close his eyes and ask me to guide him in front of the house so he could be completely surprised by the whole thing.  One thing has always been true about Colin, if you get him alone, he will say the most hilarious things and add that to his complete awe and wonder of the lights, it was the best time ever.
When we had toured all the neighborhood, we got in the car and drove around.  Alison came with us one night and we played Amy Grant Christmas as we explored.  There is a tree that you can see from all around town and they asked if we could find it.  Their reaction was the BEST when we finally found this amazing house.

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