June 3, 2024


We had the best day!
Alison is in Kansas with Aunt Beth and the cousins at Sign Camp.  While she's gone, we took the boys to Legoland, New York.  Eli has been asking to go since we moved here, so it was time to check it off our New York list.  The weather was perfect and there were less crowds the day we went.

First stop, jail.

We got an overpriced, very small lunch and then hit some rides.  The boys drove the cars...they were definitely a little big, but thankfully there was also a middle school choir group there, so they fit right in :)

Then we drove the boats.  They yelled a lot about NOT using your phones during the ride, but I had to sneak a picture...throw back to our first ride!

I also got yelled at for taking this picture:

I guess I'm not really phased by people yelling at me anymore.

Then we drove the firetruck and won the race by a landslide.

Then it was time for Mini land.

I would say this was Eli's favorite part.  We walked slowly through the land, looking at every building.

More rides:

Colin and I had a snack, while Ben and Eli rode the big coaster.

Before hitting the store, the boys built cars to race.  However, there were only 3 sets of tires to be found in this entire building! #fail

That didn't stop Eli.  He built his own tires.

It was a perfect day and one I will forever be thankful for to have with my boys.


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