June 22, 2024

The Natural History Museum

We had planned on going back to the MET for months; had it on our calendar, Ben had the day off work...every thing was set.  We made the hour drive and pulled into the parking lot.  They search the trunk of the car before they allow you to park and when the guard came to our window, he said, "You know the museum is closed, right?"  No.  No, we did not.  We parked anyway and a brilliant idea came to me:  The Natural History Museum!  I've wanted to take the kids but it's never worked out to go.  It was perfect!  And they were slightly more interested in going than the MET.  So, we walked across Central Park, got some lunch from a food truck and went to the museum.

I may have been more excited than the kids, but we still all had fun.

Ha! When I first saw this picture Ben took, I thought that Eli had his arm around Alison, but it's actually me!  He's excited to show me the giant mosquito...

It still amazes me how exhausting just one thing in the city is.  Of everything we've done, Central Park is my favorite and I was thankful that we got to unintentionally walk through it.

It's funny being in the season when these are most of my pictures because no one wants their picture taken.  

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