March 26, 2009

Dressing up

William came over to play this morning wearing camo rain boots, a sweatshirt and a red M&M hat. The second he took them off, Alison jumped in them. She walked around all morning in his boots and spent a majority of the "play time" trying to get his jacket on. At first William was not sure how he felt about a girl wearing his very manly attire, but I convinced him she just wanted to pretend to be him and it was a positive thing. If only Alison had some clothes that would fit him...I think I need to find a tutu.
I stripped Alison down after a very messy dinner and put her clothes aside to stain treat right away. I started cleaning up the dishes and noticed it was very quiet. When I peered over the counter I found Alison trying to put her clothes back on. I love watching her learn new skills!
Speaking of skills, this girl can sing! I'm just joking, but the last couple of days I've heard her sing to herself 'happy birthday to daddy', 'O where is my daddy'(the Veggie Tales Hairbrush song...we sing it at bathtime), and 'Ole' McDonald'. It took me awhile to figure out what she was trying to sing, but let me interperet for you.
Happy C-Du Daddy!=Happy Birthday to you, Daddy
E-I-E-I-O Ruff, Ruff!=Ole' McDonald had a puppy

Well, play group #4 is in the morning and I just pulled banana muffins out of the oven in preparation. I'm curious to see if anyone eats anything this week...I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

edj3 said...

How did the play group go? Did anyone have a muffin?