May 13, 2010

1 Month

My little monkey is growing like a weed. He had his 1 month check up yesterday and is now 8lbs, 11oz and is 21 inches long...he's gained over a pound in 2 weeks! The doctor said the "norm" at this stage is to gain a pound a month. He's growing much to fast for this momma!

Beth sent a wonderful gift to me this week and I've fallen in love with the Woombie and Moby Wrap. Eliot LOVES to be swaddled and he is the happiest camper the instant he is zipped up into this thing. Doesn't he look like a little glow worm?
I love that our kids hear music everyday and that they'll have opportunities to play instruments I didn't even know existed-like the mountain dulcimer. Seriously, only Ben Shear can pick up a random instrument and just start playing. Hopefully Eliot and Alison got those genes.


katherine said...

We loved the Woombie. I called Zach my little glow worm, too. Happy one month, Eli!

Andrea said...

seriously is he playing a sitar?

edj3 said...

Eliot is definitely like Ben in the swaddling bit. That Woombie is amazing!