December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas Eve
We celebrated Christmas Eve different than most, but I suppose we always will. As the kids get older our traditions will change, but for now I'm enjoying what we have. We had the Boomer's over for Christmas Eve dinner on Wednesday so we could all relax and enjoy our time together and not have to worry about rushing off to church. Christmas Eve day Ben made cheesesticks and dessert pizza for lunch and then we opened our Christmas PJ's.

I was surprised how great the kids did during the "family friendly" Christmas Eve service. I know they see Ben play music all the time, but I was just waiting for Eli to shout "Dadda!" or Alison to run up to him on stage. They acted like it was no big deal Daddy was up on stage and were more interested in the bulletin than anything else. It was a sweet time for me. Alison leaned over to me and whispered, "Mommy, they're reading the same story that's in our Advent book!". Praise the Lord something's been sinking in this season!

My favorite memory of this Christmas was seeing Alison sprint out of her room at 7:30 (the kids actually slept in!) to see her stocking. We all snuggled in our bed to open stockings.

Ben made tea pastries and Alison took her time putting every single item of her stocking away, in it's exact place.
With a fire lit, tea pastries in the oven and hot coffee in hand, we let the kids open their presents. Eliot was excited to play with the wrapping paper and we enjoyed time playing with each new toy. My favorite gift was a box of nutty bars. I know, it's funny. But Ben and I both have fond memories of nutty bars when we were kids and it was fun to reminisce and share some stories with the kids. They were even our "fancy" treat for our princess tea party.

After naps, we went to the Williams' for dinner. I'm so thankful for their friendship and the kids had a blast playing together.

We had a great Christmas and I hope next year, and every year after that is just as good.

1 comment:

katherine said...

You got lots of great photos and not one awkward face from Alison in the whole lot. I could have takend 50 photos of my two and not got one as good as the photo of your two cuties. Eliot's blue eyes are amazing by the way!