October 18, 2011

Fire House Visit

A fire house opened up down the street from us and they had a fun open house this past weekend. We took the kids to tour the house, meet some firemen and get a "tatoo".
At first Alison was scared...which I knew was coming considering her complete meltdown in the Children's Museum at the Fire Station section.

She warmed up quickly and eventually had a lot of fun.
By the time we got home she was asking when we could go back.
I think it's funny that Alison is either decked out in a dress or naked.
She's a true princess at heart.

I confess that I really enjoyed the trip too.
Turns out that our neighbor and his son are firefighters...there's something very comforting about that.


edj3 said...
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edj3 said...

Are the neighbors some of the ones that put out the deep fryer fire last year? And yes, Alison is a true princess. Have you read her the story "The Princess and the Pea" yet? That one was always my favorite.

*removed the first comment because I'd left a word out :-)

Jen Shear said...

Yes, it's the neighbors that saved Kim's backyard. We haven't read "The Princess and the Pea"...we'll have to look for it at the library.