October 10, 2011

Hog Jog 2011

Ben and I before the race.

This was a proud day for the Shear's.
We left the kids with our sweet friends and we headed to downtown Smithfield for the 10th annual Hog Jog. We saw several friends from the Y and church and then headed to the starting line. Somehow we ended up at the front with all of the little cross country runners. A man said over a microphone that only "elite" athletes should be at this point...the women next to me whispered, "Are you an elite athlete?". I said I didn't think so and she said she wasn't either, but her daughter thought she was. This is a tangent story, but I was so impressed with this mom. Her daughter was a sqrawny 10 year old, with big dreams. But she never once told her that she was silly to think she should be where she was. She supported her and encouraged her. I ran behind this little girl and her mom the entire time and she ended up winning the race. Now that's a mom I want to be. Anyway, back to the real story. I agreed to let Ben run ahead because he had a specific goal (25 minutes) that he was trying to meet and I didn't think I could keep up. I was excited that I could actually see Ben ahead of me the entire race...that was until I realized that it wasn't actually him and I was following some random guy...sorry random guy. We finished the race, grabbed some hotdogs and beer and mingled with our friends. We browsed the farmers market and by chance was in the area to hear the race results. I was SUPER proud of Ben. He exceeded his goal and finished the race in 24 minutes. He won 2nd place for his age group! And for the shocker of the morning, I ran the race in 26 minutes and won 1st place for my age group. Apparently women between 25 & 29 in Smithfield are slow.


katherine said...

They're not slow; you're just fast. That is a great time. Way to go!

edj3 said...

What Katherine said!

And you already ARE that kind of mother, Jen. I love to see you with both of the children, you are so sweet and patient with them both.

Jamie said...

YAY!!! Go Team Shear!!