October 15, 2012

Eliot James - 2.5

I confess I almost forgot Eliot's half birthday.  But thanks to my handy dandy birthday tracker on the side of the blog, I remembered just in time to snatch up some cupcakes at the grocery store.  I've been sick, but I didn't want to miss an opportunity to celebrate Eliot.

As we ventured to the grocery store to pick up his treat, Eliot sang along with a CD Ben made for the kids.  It melted my heart hearing him sing with his daddy.

When we got home, I set the cupcakes on the counter and went to lay Colin down.  When I came back, Eliot had already dug into the cupcakes.  I didn't know his little arms could reach that high and I started to give him the "we have to wait until after dinner" speech...but then I realized that sometimes it's important to spend time with just Eliot, no matter what time of day it is.
So we dug in, just me and my little man.

So here's a little about Eliot James at two and a half:
Potty trained.
Must sleep holding the tag of his blankie.
Gets very cranky when he has to go potty, but will tell you he doesn't have to go.
Has a strong passion for mini muffins, orange juice and trains.
Says "Come here!  Come with me!"  while waving his hand, all day long.
Loves playing the iPad.

 Loves to read books...

 Especially when there's destruction involved.
Speaking of which, loves destruction of all kinds.

Repeats everything Alison says and does.

He keeps us on our toes, but I love him to pieces.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I loved this post! Some of these pictures were priceless! He is such a sweetie!!