April 17, 2013

3 Years Old

Eli at 3...
He whispers all.the.time.  Yes, it's better than yelling, but I just want to hear what the kid is saying!
When he's not whispering, he's pretending to be a train, car, dog or dinosaur.
His favorite thing to do is watch a movie, cuddled up with his blankie and a sippy cup of juice.  I know the day is coming this year that he no longer fits under that blankie...oh, I dread that day.

His least favorite thing to do is go to bed.  He'll come out several times and say, "I cuddle you".  Super sweet and super hard to say no to.


edj3 said...

There's just a real sweetness about Eliot, isn't there?

Jen Shear said...

very much.

Jamie said...

Eliot is so awesome!!!