April 15, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday Eli!

Eli requested a Buzz birthday.  
We were all ready to party, but Eli was just not feeling well on his birthday.  Allergies?  2 year molars?  Who knows.  But he definitely was not himself.  I made him a birthday boy shirt, but he had no interest in putting it on. 

We had cinnamon rolls for breakfast and opened presents from Nana and Granddaddy.  Ben took him to work with him for a little daddy time and then we spent the afternoon watching Toy Story.  When Alison got home from school we opened presents, ate pizza/cake and played with his new toys.

I cannot keep pants on this boy!  Oh the joy of being 3

Unfortunately, the Buzz cake turned out about how Eli felt.  A friend of mine just made one for her son and let me borrow all of her materials.  She made it look so easy, but I largely underestimated how much time decorating would take...especially with a Colin crawling around.  I baked the cake the day before and thought I would decorate during nap time and be finished just in time for Alison to be home.  Boy was I wrong!  So Buzz, turned into "ethnic Buzz" and I just got as much frosting on as I could.  Here's what it was supposed to look like:

Eli didn't seem to mind, but he also didn't get that it was supposed to be Buzz.  He had fun blowing out the candles a million times and then I let the kids just eat straight from the cake.  Hey, if you're going to ruin a cake, you might as well have fun with it.

As always, I enjoyed our quiet family birthday celebration.  I hope Eli loved it just as much as I did and I pray he knows how cherished he is.


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