September 23, 2013

'B' Week

 Highlights from 'B' week:

We rode bikes, blew bubbles, ate bananas and read bug books.

Eliot went on a blueberry hunt and had to match the blueberry letters to the letters on the driveway.

We sang the 'BIBLE' song, bopped blue balloons, and counted/color sorted gummy bears.
We colored a big box blue and filled it with B things (a bus, books, baby and bears).
Then the big box became and drive through, a club house and a cave.

Although this picture is blurry, it captures our house perfectly:
Alison's hiding in the big box.
 Eliot is naked and filling the box with random toys.
Colin is jumping on the box, laughing at the fact that he got away with getting on top of the box.
Ben is scratching his head, thinking, "Why do we have a box in our living room?!".
And to make it even funnier, you might notice the drink in Ben's hand...that's how our 'B' week ended.

My goal for preschool is to go on one "field trip" or have one play date a week.
This week we went to Bluebird Gap farm and Bass Pro Shop to look at the animals.

I think the last time we went to see the animals, Eliot was Colin's age.  And to say he was excited would be an understatement...he couldn't get enough of the animals.

I was waiting for him to freak out when we saw the stuffed bears at Bass Pro, but he just looked up and said, "Hi Mr. Bear!"
'B' week was a blast and we're jumping into C...I think that calls for some chocolate cookies!

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Sounds like B week was all about celebrating your two boisterous boys (see what I did there??).