February 25, 2014

For your viewing pleasure...

Here's a sneak peak of Alison's recital dance.  She's the one in the blue leg warmers in the back row...sorry it's a shot of her back. 

This is the gymnastics part of the routine.  They do a little dance and then line up to do somersaults and the balance beam. 

So Colin has been showing potty training readiness.  kind of.  Every time he wets his diaper he will say "stinky" and try to take it off.  He is constantly stripping down, so I decided it was time to get out the little potty.  But this video is a perfect picture of Colin.  One moment you think "wow, he's so smart and really getting this" but that thought is quickly followed by "oh Colin." with a huge sigh. 

Sorry for the nakedness.  We're all family, right?

Sure he said "poopy" and headed to the potty, but then he tries to eat it!  And then you notice there's a half eaten apple on the floor...

1 comment:

edj3 said...

Wow Alison has come a long way with her ballet and gymnastics! Way to go, Alison.

And yes, we're all family and nekkid kids come with the territory.