March 11, 2014

Historic Day!

My friend Christen, who we do preschool co-op with, teaches swim lessons at the Y.  She started a class in the morning, right after some of us teach aerobics classes.  She asked Eliot if he wanted to come to class and he told her that he would learn to swim when he is a daddy.  If you ask him what he's going to do this summer while at the pool, he'll tell you that he plans on playing cars on the side of the pool.  Let's be honest, we all know he just wants to sit and eat a snack.  All that to say, he is flat out not interested in going anywhere near a pool.  Last class we signed him up for he screamed the whole. entire. time. and clung to me like someone was trying to kill him.  Christen is a mom of 4 and has more patience than anyone I've ever met.  She asked me to bring Eliot to a class, just to expose him but not to expect anything from him.  I didn't even sign him up, we just went to watch his friends swim.  We made it really low key and he knew all the kids and Miss Christen, and when I asked him if he wanted to sit with his friends, he just marched over and put his feet in the pool.  I almost cried.  Thankfully one of my friends had her phone with her and snapped pictures of Eli's first non-screaming swimming lesson.

Eliot's on the far left:

I couldn't believe he actually participated in the lesson!

Just to be snotty for a moment; he even did better than some of the other kids :)

He did amazing and I've signed him up to keep going.  We celebrated with orange juice donuts at Ringo's with his bff, Nash.


edj3 said...

Boy, he really is Ben's son. Ben asked me once why I never had him take swim lessons. I told him I could barely get him to get in the tub with an inch of water and he screamed bloody murder about pools or lakes.

Jamie said...

YAY Eli!!