July 8, 2014

Colin's 2 year pictures

Colin William, 2 years old

Taking pictures of a little boy who never stops moving is near impossible.  I've tried twice and today was an adventure.  Join me on the journey...

I decided to attempt pictures first thing in the morning.  So I got him up, changed his clothes and snapped some shots before he could get anything dirty.  First rookie mistake on my part.  Alison and Eli of course wanted to jump in on the action, but were still in pj's. 

I took 2 pictures of Colin and he was gone.  Eli was quick to take his spot.


 Seeing Eli say "cheese" made Colin want another turn.

Then he wanted to see the picture I took.
"I see?" he kept asking while trying to look at the screen of the camera.

Then he would laugh at picture I took.  Thanks, kid.

Alison's turn.

She scooped up Colin and this is my favorite picture I got of him...I guess Alison will have to be on his picture wall.

Eli jumped in...my favorite picture of Eli...maybe I need to learn how to photo shop :)

You have to watch out, or Colin will lick you!

Don't you love how Eli has a toothpaste stain on his sleeve.  I'm pretty sure I tell him everyday to wipe his face on a towel.

Alison asked if she could try taking a picture.  Don't you just love morning hair?  That must be why Colin is jumping out of my arms.

Eli thought that looked fun...he wanted hold Colin too.

And this is how Colin felt about that.

I think I may try getting another picture again, but this time one in action.  I for sure need a new photo location.  I like the lighting, but not the glare I get in the eyes and it's cramped so all my pictures are super up close.  Any ideas?

And for a little perspective on how different the boys are; this is Eli wearing the same shirt when he was 1 year old!

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