February 21, 2015

Snow Days

Monday night it started to snow and was finished off with a nice layer of sleet.  It was the strangest snow I've ever seen and not a pretty one for an area of the country that isn't prepared for snow at all.  Ben was home from work Tuesday, Wednesday and went in late Thursday.  Public schools were closed all week and our streets are still atrocious. 

The kids played outside everyday, but it wasn't easy.  The snow picked up in sheets of ice, so throwing "snowballs" was just painful. 

(that poor playground still hasn't been touched!)

Any snow that didn't get walked on the first day, was so frozen that you could walk on top of it.

Alison and neighbor friends walking on top of the snow

We didn't leave the house all week.  Friday, we tried to go to Tae Kwan Do, but the van got stuck halfway down the driveway. We were starting to sing the cabin fever blues!  This is Colin's version:

(he's saying "I not okay, momma" and pretending to play the guitar with his hands)

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