October 11, 2015

Eliot James 5.5 + Sunday Snapshot + Fall vacation, Part 2

 Happy half birthday to Eli!

Everyone had great smiles this morning.

Big news this week; Dunkin Donuts opened up down our street.  We have been watching it go up for months and the kids asked if we could be the first customers.  I agreed to take them the day it opened, but not at 5am!

Ringo's is still the absolute best, but it was a fun outing.

After donuts we did some clothe shopping for the kids and picked up food for our camping trip.  It was a tiring day and Colin was so wiped out that he wouldn't wake up when I took him out of the car.  He probably slept like this for an hour and I made Ben document it because I have to savor every last minute of slightly baby-ness left in this house.  This was a big week for Colin too because we made him stop sucking his thumb (used the special nail polish).  The dentist said it needed to stop ASAP so we waited a week after Ben got home and he's adjusted really well to it.

Speaking of adjusting sleep...Eli is having a hard time giving up his daddy spot.  When Ben was gone, he would sneak into his spot and instantly fall asleep.  This week, he's had a hard time falling asleep and as I speak is laying on the couch in the school room while I type.  He did the same thing a few nights ago:

And the night after that, we found him like this:

A big thing Ben and I have noticed this vacation is how well our kids play together.  It makes me so happy.  My favorite thing in the world is hearing Eli ask Colin, "Do you want to go play...?" and they run off together.  They come up with all kinds of games and it usually results in toys scattered all over the house, but it's so worth it to hear the joy that comes from their games.  The last couple of days they've asked to play together in Eli's room for "quiet time" instead of watching a show:

I love how they mash all of their toys together and come up with an elaborate story.  Today Eli was building ships with Lego's for Colin's transformers that were being attacked by the pirate ship.

We had some friends from church over last night for dinner, as a thank you for all of their help while Ben was gone.  Julia even asked me if our kids always play so well together and I was thankful I could say yes.  

Alison really wanted to be in the kitchen with Ben and I as we cooked dinner yesterday, but didn't know where to jump in.  So she found a container of strawberries and asked if she could serve them for dinner.  She cut them up herself and put them in a fancy bowl and proudly put them on the table.

Funny part was, our kids ate that entire bowl themselves.  These were also the strawberries that Colin snuck in the grocery cart and I didn't realize they were there until I was loading food onto the conveyor belt.  I thought it was funny that he chose strawberries to sneak in.  I would have chosen M&M's, but apparently our kids have a deep love for strawberries.

Today, Ben and I took turns running on this absolutely perfect fall day.  When I got home, Alison was dressed in running clothes and said it was her turn.  She asked to borrow my running watch and said she was off to train for her mile run (she's hoping to run the kid run when Ben and I run a half).  She ran from our house around the culs-de-sac 5 times to make it a mile.  I was really proud of her!

She got home just in time to help Ben make pizza for dinner.  She must have had a magic touch tonight because it was the best pizza I've ever had!
Daddy teaching her how to properly sprinkle on cheese

We're heading to the mountains in the morning, so look forward to some awesome pictures!

1 comment:

edj3 said...

I can't wait to hear about your camping trip. I'm also impressed that Colin stopped sucking his thumb. His daddy would just wash the stuff off . . .