July 15, 2017

Beach trip to San Diego

Ben was in San Diego for a work training, so the kids and I met him there for a little beach time.  We had nothing on the agenda except for soaking up time outside.  We were on the beach in time for a picnic lunch Thursday; as nice as that sounds, picnic lunches at a dog beach are NOT relaxing.  This was the first time we took Maya and she did great!  I didn't think she would touch the water, but she ran right in with the kids and had the time of her life.

Having Maya with us was like having a toddler on the beach, but it definitely was very entertaining.

I love how dog friendly San Diego is and we were able to find 3 dog beaches.  Our first stop was in Point Loma and then we drove up to Del Mar to be close to our hotel.  I guess a dog beach sounds gross, but they were very clean and not as crowded.

We met up with Ben for dinner and watched way too much Food Network that night.  

Friday morning, we drove over to Coronado Island.  The White's come too and we had a full day of beach time with friends!

Ben and I took turns running on the beach and it was the.best.  The ocean is good medicine for me and I know we all needed some time to just play and relax.

Leaving the beach is always hard, especially when you have to come back to the desert.  It was so good for us though, I'm considering scheduling in some day trips in the near future.


edj3 said...

These pictures are so good, it's as though I'm there with you. And is it my imagination, or is Eli looking super grown up these days? Also, Alison is going to be taller than me in probably six months at this rate!

Jen Shear said...

Eli is certainly looking older...but still snuggly 😀