July 5, 2017

My Charloonie

That's what I call Colin.  Colin is just too boring for a little stinker full of spunk.  He had his well check on Friday and, it only took 5 years, but is in the 30% for height and weight!  Party time!  Sounds great, but he's still only 36 lbs.  I think he might be in a booster seat until he's 12.  Anyway, at the doctor's appointment, we were waiting for the doctor and Colin started asking about a chart they have in the rooms.  It has a row of faces in varying colors and expressions and a description of pain.  I didn't think much about the conversation, only that we were passing time on a very delayed doctor for the first appointment of the morning.  But during church, Colin "whispers", "Look at the faces I drew (on his bulletin)!"  He proceeds to tell me about each face he recreated from the chart and then demonstrate it and it was the funniest thing I have ever seen.  Maybe even funnier was me trying not to laugh in church.  I tried to have him recreate the faces for you, but it's not quite as funny.  I love his little character and all his facial expressions.

1 comment:

edj3 said...

He is a loon! A little stinker of a loon :)